Why You Should Stop Bottling Your Feelings
If you’re carrying around the weight of some heavy emotions such as anger, you’re going to want to face those emotions. Come to terms with what you’re feeling so you can move through it. Embrace your anger. If you don’t do this, your angry feelings are sure to cause more destruction, whether it’s negative experiences in future relationships or with people you currently care about, or self-destructive tendencies because you have turned the anger inward.
When we bottle up anger, we can end up doing things like not taking care of ourselves, abusing alcohol or drugs, and engaging in other common, escapist activities. We choose to avoid angry feelings instead of bringing them out to fully experience and work toward resolving things so that we can be at peace with ourselves once more.
What Are You Angry About?
So ask yourself, what am I angry about? Be honest. Remember that it’s okay to have feelings; it’s just not okay to use them in a destructive way that hurts others or yourself.
So why are you feeling angry? What happened? Or what didn’t happen? Disappointment can make us feel angry. We feel like other people maybe did not deliver their promises to us. That can certainly result in anger.
Distinguishing Anger From Hurt
Take some time to talk through or journal the situation and figure out how you came to this place.
Remember that anger is frequently hurt marauding as a different emotion.
So if someone hurt you, or if you ended up in a situation that felt hurtful, take some time and be totally honest with yourself.
Go through what happened and don’t miss any of the details. Remember again that repressed emotions are not okay. If you’re able to face what you’re feeling and do it in a way that does not cause pain to yourself or anyone else, you can definitely make these angry feelings work for you and rise up to a better place emotionally and in other aspects of your life.
Next: Permission to Set Yourself Free: Let Go and Feel | Previous: Uncover the Roots of Your Anger
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