Are you seeking to master the habits of highly effective people, so you can become one? It can be hard to get where we want to be. When we don’t know what steps to take or moves to make.
One way to grow into the person you want to be is the old “fake it ‘til you make it” strategy. While on the path to success, do your best to behave as if you have already arrived.
If you have trouble with this, just look to your role models. Embody their way of being (but in your own unique style and in a way that aligns with your personal vision).
Role Models
Do you have a role model whom you look up to and would love to emulate? Maybe you long to be on top of your organization game like Marie Kondo. They don’t have to be someone famous. Maybe it’s the person who runs the bakery down the road that inspires your dream life.
Role models show up in various phases of our lives. A role modeling experience can be hands-off, or hands-on. Here is how to find the right one at the right time for you.
Sometimes role models become our mentors. Mentorship is a relationship that you actively pursue. It can be a coach that you pay to help you establish good habits and set goals. Or a more senior person in your professional field that provides you guidance and advice.
You may actively seek guidance from a mentor. Or, you might just fall into the role of being mentored by someone who has more experience and can lead by example as you follow along.
Sometimes a role model just appears in your life. Like a special teacher-student relationship that forms as a result of a class, you take.
A role model doesn’t have to be someone you actually meet or interact with in your everyday life. It can be a person whom you admire from afar. Whether they are a titan of industry like Warren Buffet, a television personality like Oprah, a podcaster Neil Patel, or a YouTuber like Park Hye-min, you can also model your vision of success on someone that you are a fan of.
6 Tips for Finding Role Models
That said, the next question is: Where do you find a role model to help you increase your effectiveness?
Here are some tips on finding a role model.
- Read books written by those you admire. The best way to understand someone or their journey is to hear (read) their story. You’ll come to know the steps they took on their personal path to success and happiness. You’ll discover how they managed their circumstances, and be able to compare it with your own journey, to a certain extent.
- Research those who inspire you. Seek information on people who have accomplished amazing things. Mahatma Gandhi, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Oprah Winfrey, or any of the millions of others who inspire us can be worth researching for the purpose of being mentored from a distance.
- Seek the company of leaders. Attend networking events where successful leaders are likely to congregate. Leadership conferences and conventions in your industry can be found in almost every city.
- Get recommendations from friends and colleagues. Is someone living a life that you dream of for yourself? Did they rise to real estate fame, become a travel mogul, garner a culinary following, or something else? If you know someone who knows someone who does what you do, ask for the hookup.
- Find people who have overcome similar challenges as those you face. Be candid about your struggles, with people who can help. You’d be surprised at how many people admit their own shortcomings when you lay yours on the table in an open and frank way.
- Reach out to a role model. If you’ve already found someone you’d love to work with, reach out to them. You may not receive a response, especially if they’re well-known, but you never know what might manifest if you put forth the effort to connect. Finding a role model to help you master being more personally effective is easier than you might think. Research, do your Google spying, speak to friends and ask to be put in touch. You may never find one perfect role model, but you can find several role models for your specific needs.
How to Channel Your Role Model
Whomever your role model may be, and no matter what your level of engagement with said person – you can always practice being more like this person. It starts with imitation.
Small children role-play as they begin to feel out their life experiences. Think of little ones watching Mom or Dad busy at their tasks. The children enjoy miming their actions and repeating what they saw. They’re practicing for the role that’s being modeled to them.
Imitation can work for us at any age, as we’re learning from and being mentored by a role model. Figure out which qualities you admire about this person whom you look up to.
Is it their honesty and authenticity? Their ability to overcome adversity? Pay attention to what they say and do to reinforce their own values and special qualities. Can you repeat their actions in your own life?
Combine the best of what you see in others, with your true self– so you can become the best version of yourself.
4 Tips to Manifest Success into Reality
- Observe your role models and take notes. Gather knowledge of the skill you want to improve. The more you watch and practice, the better you’ll become at achieving the effectiveness skills you want.
- Refine who you follow on social media platforms. Focus on content and people who can help you improve your daily habits. The more you absorb their influence, the greater impact these individuals will have on your future.
- Develop good observation skills. Identify what you want to change in yourself based on what you see in people you admire. What skills do they have? How do they conduct themselves with others? Then, focus on specific behaviors or tasks you could realistically practice.
- Try on different roles. Experiment with changing your behaviors to the ones you have observed in others. See how they feel. Work on improving and making the behaviors your own. As you grow, continue to find an effective role model for new behaviors and skills you want to incorporate to become more successful. Each step along your growth means learning from others who are doing, being, acting, and appearing the way you would like to be.
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