There may come a time in your life when you decide that you would like to attract a new friend. The truth is that not all friends are true friends. The person who was a great friend on the playground
might not be so great for you as an adult with responsibilities or even children of your own. In youth, we tend to slip into friendships without giving much thought to the quality of the individuals we’re dealing with or looking for red flags in their personalities. Or you may actually be drawn to them wanting to get some young and dumb mistakes under your belt. Even after someone shows themselves to be a problem, we may choose to keep hanging out with them since you run in the same circles.

However, as we age, we may start to recognize that being selective with who we choose to spend time with can be a good thing. Maybe you’ve outgrown some of your friends. Maybe you’re not necessarily looking to drop those friends, but you would like to open the door to some quality individuals who share your values and can enhance your life in some unique and beneficial ways.
How to meet new people
It’s important to get out of your comfort zone and be open to new people. Meeting new people can be scary, but it’s worth the time investment because every person you meet will teach you something, will broaden your perspective, and might even become a really good friend.
What are some ways to meet new people?
- Attending a local event or meetup on an interest you have.
- Volunteering or donating at local charities
- Joining a social club, like Toastmasters International.
In this series, we’ll explore thoughts around how to attract good people. Having amazing friends and associates in your corner can help you enjoy healthy relationships as well as find common ground with folks who inspire you to be your best self.
Part II: What Is a Good Person?
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