If you don’t know how to identify a good person and have been hanging around with troublesome individuals and trying to break out of that negative pattern, then it’s only natural that you may be feeling doubtful when it comes to friendships in general. How to know if a new friend is trustworthy? How can you tell if someone is a good person? How will you know if it will be a wise idea to let that person into your life?
In the early phase of friendship, you will have occasions to observe your new acquaintance in ordinary situations. This is a great opportunity to assess their personality and judge their level of goodness based on personal conduct.
How do they speak, act and behave in the following scenarios?
Family situations
When addressing and interacting with family members. Is the person in question polite and courteous to their family? Do they show respect for their partner and teach their children to be kind to others, leading by example? How do they handle difficult moments?
Leadership roles
When placed in a leadership position, how do they handle the authority role? Is this person a strong, patient, and positive leader? Or do they bully or micromanage?
When jokes are flying. What is their type of humor? Are there jokes playfully aimed, or do they get mean? Can they take a joke?
Work ethic
When there is work to be done. You can tell a lot about a person when it’s time to get down to business. What are they up to? Do they lend a helping hand, or do they pass the buck to someone else? Do they take all the credit, or do they remember to thank others who pitched in?
Previous: Where to Find Friends | Next: Signs that You Need New Friends
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