Our lives are spent forming attachments to things, people, places, and emotions. This can leave us feeling overburdened by holding onto all the things that no longer serve us. Whether it is your favorite pair of jeans from high school that you will never fit into again or the relationships that no longer support us.
Good, healthy relationships are important in every area of your life.
It’s important for your emotional well-being and helps you reduce stress and improve overall health. But when you have relationships that take you away from who you want to be, you begin to suffer. We hold onto these relationships because they feel familiar and comforting. We fear the unknown, or that we will not find someone else.
Saying goodbye to relationships that take you away from who you want to be is necessary in order for you to grow and become that person. These relationships no longer serve you. Letting them go gives you the inner freedom to change.
10 Tips to Let Go
Ending these relationships can be incredibly difficult. If you find yourself feeling trapped in a relationship that isn’t allowing you to grow into who you want to be, consider these 9 tips for letting go:
- Recognize the problem. Take an objective look at your relationship and be honest with yourself. Ask yourself if the relationship serves your highest good. Is the relationship having a negative impact on other parts of your life? Is it causing your self-esteem to plummet?
- Let yourself feel the pain. Honor yourself and give yourself permission to grieve… purging is part of the emotional cleansing process that will help you let go of the old attachment and welcome something new and healthy into your life.
- Figure out the lesson from that person being in your life. What did they teach you? What have you learned from the relationship?
- Create distance from the person you’re needing to move on from and let go of.
- Shift your focus to empowering yourself instead of on the lost relationship. Try new things. Put time into a hobby that you’ve not touched in a while. Work on your relationship with yourself, cultivating self-love and self-respect. You are worthy of healthy relationships.
- Rewrite your story. Look at what you have been telling yourself. Now rewrite it in a more positive and empowering way.
- Forgive yourself for what happened in the past. Let go of feelings of regret about the relationship. Forgive the former relationship partner as well.
- Start living in the present moment. Choose to let go of the past.
- Take care of yourself. Practice self-care for your own physical and mental well-being after you get rid of unhealthy relationships. Get plenty of rest and eat nutritious foods. Take a long, relaxing bath or get a massage.
- Open yourself to joy. Let yourself laugh and love new things or people.
It’s not easy to say goodbye to relationships even when they are unhealthy and are inhibiting your personal growth. Instead of trying to hang on or change the other person, recognize how they may be affecting you. This is the first step in letting them go.
Once you begin to distance yourself and start taking care of yourself in an empowered way, you’ll find ways to grow and learn through the lessons of the past relationship.
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