Over the course of your life, you will discover the importance of a tribe of some friends that are better than others. What does this mean? It means that some people try your patience, while others come to your rescue, take you higher and bring meaning, support and hope to your life.
Some spend too much time in attention-getting behaviors and seem hell-bent on spreading gossip and creating drama. These are not the kind of friends to welcome into your life at a time when you’re striving for quality and meaning in relationships.
You may have outgrown these difficult friends who give you trouble. This is all a part of maturing through your relationships as you age and gain wisdom. When friendships fall apart, we may spend some time alone trying to figure things out. This is a good time to reflect on what would make us happy in life, and what kinds of people might help us to come closer to that goal.
Importance of a tribe
Why would it be a good idea to seek and find good people to spend your time with? Here are a few good reasons to have good people as your friends.
- Good people help us along the path to self-improvement.
Maybe you know some folks who make it a practice to set and achieve goals. They could be constantly looking to advance their knowledge, learn new skills, embark on adventures, and seek fulfillment. These types of individuals inspire us to learn, grow and change for the better.
- Good people remind us about the importance of give and take.
When we team up with people who do for others and in turn allow friends to do for them, we get a sense of satisfaction. Helping one another feels good and right. We’re reminded of how important it is to need and be needed.
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