What is personal effectiveness
You may find yourself thinking, “Why am I doing this?” from time to time. Is this worth the effort? Alternatively, why is it taking me so long to do the tasks I need to complete?
Personal effectiveness is the ability to Get Things Done. Mastering that is a crucial component of feeling strong, capable, and happy with your accomplishments, not just in your work, but in life as a whole.
What does it mean to become more effective?
It’s about utilizing all of your skills, talents, and energy to pursue a life that makes you happy and fulfills you.
Ever work hard at completing a task, but instead, end up feeling like you’re plodding along at a snail’s pace? Or does it ever seem like tons of time is somehow slipping away as you flounder and falter at whatever you were hoping to complete?
It’s true, some things we excel at and flow into… but other tasks stop us dead in our tracks. If we had a choice, would we ditch some of the things that others expect us to do? Maybe we would! Or if we could modify our plan to do x, y, or z, would we feel happier, lighter, and like we had made more room for the activities and goals that fuel us with purpose and bring us joy and delight?
How to be more effective
It’s worth thinking about our own level of personal effectiveness and how to raise the bar for ourselves. Why?
Because there will always be those things in life that we have to do. But there will also be other things that we WANT to do.
In becoming more effective, we’ll be better able to manage the tasks that suck away our time. Once those are checked off, we can welcome more desirable pursuits – activities that appeal to us because we take pleasure in and are good at doing them.
We’re taking aim at how we live. We’re living on PURPOSE according to our wants, needs, wishes, and drives. It feels right because it IS right!
We’ll also become better able at finding out WHY certain tasks slow us down, suck away our energy and pull us away from where our inner compass wants to point.
By increasing our personal effectiveness, on the whole, we’ll figure out how to minimize the amount of time we spend on those types of distracting activities that make us temporarily lose sight of our goals. And if we get really good at being effective, we might even find ways to eliminate certain activities from our personal task list
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