Habits can be an asset or a detriment. Some habits take us to new heights of excellence in how we work and live. Other habits hold us down and stop us from getting where we want to go. We’ve talked a lot about the habits of highly effective people. So what about habits we should get rid of?
Habits you should ditch to reach your full potential
- The habit of holding onto anger.
- The habit of procrastinating.
- The habit of worrying.
- The habit of gossiping.
- The habit of over-eating.
- The habit of trying to be perfect.
- The habit of having addictions, like smoking or drinking.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Have you been aware of a certain bad habit for a long time? But haven’t known how to deal with it? Or, maybe someone recently pointed out a bad habit that you didn’t even know you had, like putting everyone’s needs before your own.
Steps to identify your bad habits and reach your full potential:
Become aware of the habit. Notice how it impacts your life. Does your habit serve you, or would you benefit by letting it go?
Still not sure?
Understanding A Bad Habit
Take a few minutes to identify and describe habits that you feel good about. What do you do on a regular basis? In what ways does this habit benefit you in your life?
Now describe what you are losing out on because of the bad habit. What effects are these habits having on your life? If you have a habit of waking up after 10 a.m. for example, what is this causing you to miss out on?
Notice the feelings that come up with the bad habits. Acknowledge the habit and how it’s not serving you. Seriously consider how this affects your life and level of personal effectiveness.
What are you avoiding by allowing the bad habit to continue? An example of this is if you’re a workaholic. Do you really need to be working all the time? Is the reality of your life that you’re stuck in a miserable marriage, so you avoid facing that by burying yourself in work?
What are you using the bad habit to unsuccessfully replace? If your habit is eating too many sweets, are you actually needing comfort and stress relief? What can you replace your bad habit with that will benefit you?
Unresolved life issues cause us emotional discomfort which leads to bad habits.
Face it. Dealing with feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, abandonment, and loss can linger in our subconscious as a result of past trauma. But these feelings remain and feed the bad habit when not dealt with.
Now that you’re aware of the reasons behind the behavior, work toward overcoming the habit. Release the old feelings and fears. Decide that you won’t give them power over you for one day longer.
Set the intention to break the habit. Create a vision of a new, better habit that will serve you well. This is called a pivot. You set a vision from your heart of what you want for yourself instead.
For example, if more time to do what you love is your desire, then set the new habit of doing something every day that brings you joy. It could be painting, dancing, or writing in a personal journal. This vision from your heart puts the intention out into the universe to be manifested in your life.
Now take action. Along with setting a vision and intention comes the action to keep engaging with the new habit. It’s easy to fall back into old, defeatist habits – so set frequent reminders of why the bad habit didn’t serve you.
Become aware each time the old habit resurfaces. Work to continue replacing the negative, defeating habit with a positive one. Make a habit of replacing your bad habits, one by one, until you’re totally transformed.
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