Do You Have Unresolved Feelings?
Are you slowly coming to terms with the fact that you have angry feelings over something that has happened either in the past or in recent months?
It’s not always easy to admit painful feelings. But the truth is that if you manage to confront your emotions, you will be able to release toxic feelings and resolve whatever is standing between you and your future happiness.
Holding onto Anger Is Bad for Your Health
It’s also worth mentioning that holding onto anger can be detrimental to both your physical health and mental health.
When you’re young, you may not notice the damage. In our 20s, our bodies seem to spring back from the harm that we inflict, as far as destructive behaviors such as poor eating habits, lack of exercise, partying too much, substance abuse, smoking cigarettes, and not getting enough rest. Over time though, these ways that we subconsciously seek to hurt ourselves can manifest in serious health problems.
Poor diet slowly gives way to weight gain which after a few years becomes obesity. We continue down the path of self-destruction and before we know it our blood sugar has reached an unhealthy level and we keep on proceeding along this path of poor choices.
By the time we reach middle age, our indulgence has resulted in high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and other health complications. Heredity may play some part in people’s chronic disease once they reach their senior years. But much of it has to do with the abuse we dish out to ourselves because of unresolved conflicts within.
If you feel angry today and use sugar and fattening foods as a Band-Aid to cover your hurt feelings, over time this will catch up with you in the form of compromised health.
Another way that holding on to anger can harm our health is by creating chronic stress. If we already feel tense, life then adds insult to injury each time something happens that would cause us mild distress or create a minor problem for us.
Stress is something that we don’t really pay much attention to especially while we’re still young. We take our good health for granted in our 20s and 30s. Often, we feel invincible, like the health issues that before others can’t ever happen to us.
But if something has occurred in your life that brings you anger and you continue to bury that anger, it’s adding a load to all you already have to cope with in your everyday life.
Anger is a burden that you’ve heaped upon your body, mind, and spirit which is in addition to everything you must already deal with in your daily life.
Too much stress results in a gradual deterioration of health and can develop into chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and other common illnesses that show up as we age. Release toxic feelings to unlock your best mental and physical health.
Next: Train Like a Warrior to Relax Like a Buddha | Previous: 6 Affirmations for Anger
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