“To progress and find your way to success is the debt you owe to life.” from Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill the authors of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice. The 13 principles are:
- Desire – The starting point for all achievement
- Faith – Summoning, again and again, the mental image of our success
- Auto Suggestion – Access the power of suggestion
- Specialized Knowledge – Learn all you can about your specialty
- Imagination – The power of self-motivation
- Decisions – Reach decisions promptly and reverse decisions slowly
- Persistence – The power of will
- Enthusiastic Support – Having someone to love and share in your success
- Organized Planning – Form a practical plan
- The Power of the Mastermind – Form an alliance with other masterminds to create better ideas
- The Subconscious Mind – Leverage the subconscious mind to create clarity across disparate ideas
- The Power of the Brain – Recognize the supercomputer power of the brain
- The Sixth Sense – Cultivating the inspirations and hunches that flash in the imagination