Showing Respect for Our Fellow Humans

Respecting the expertise and individuality of others is a fundamental part of any relationship, whether personal or professional. Even small acknowledgments like complimenting their work, listening to their opinion, or allowing them time to do what they need to do can mean a lot. Considering these simple ways of showing respect can help create stronger bonds with those around you. Why not give it a try? Let’s cover some basic indications of respect.
10 Ways to show respect?
- Make eye contact.
- Use positive body language and a friendly tone of voice when speaking and listening.
- Avoid interrupting.
- Convey that you’re listening. Use conversational cues such as nodding, looking into the person’s eyes, and saying things like “yes”, “uh-huh”, “I see”, and “okay”.
- Ask questions to indicate that you are making an effort to understand.
- Repeat what the other person said back to you, indicating that you are trying to understand and relate to their point of view.
- Respect emotions. Don’t mock, discount, or belittle another person’s feelings.
- Have empathy. Consider someone else’s point of view.
- Make an effort to understand. Try to put yourself in their shoes.
- Let someone have their feelings even if it is not what you feel or even if you don’t understand.
9 Ways to Respect people’s individuality
- Not making fun of or putting down someone who looks, acts, speaks or does things differently than you or your family or your social group.
- Not micromanaging. Giving someone else a chance to do things in their own way, even if it is not the way that you would do it.
- Considering other people’s opinions and ideas.
- Giving credit where credit is due, either by letting someone know that you noticed their effort, or publicly thanking them for the work they put in.
- Respecting someone’s space can involve:
- Gauging how someone may be feeling emotionally. and opting to back off from them if they seem to need some breathing room or time alone.
- Not dominating someone else’s space with your body or movements. Keeping your hands and other body parts to yourself.
- Approaching cautiously when you are feeling affectionate. Or backing off if the other person is not in the mood to be affectionate, and not getting angry about it if they seem to need you to back off at this moment.
- Use manners such as knocking on doors before entering a room that someone else is in, not barging into the bathroom if your partner or person is in there, and sliding over on the couch if you’re sharing space with someone else.
3 Ways to Respect other people’s time
- Talking for a bit, and then giving the other person a chance to speak and express themselves.
- Not showing up late when you have agreed to meet at a certain time and place.
- Knowing when it’s time to end the phone call or stop emailing back and forth or texting. Respecting other people’s time means knowing that you must share the attention that they give you with other people and other things that are important that they must attend to.
It’s important to show respect for the uniqueness and expertise of others, as well as respect for their time. Simple things like listening attentively when someone is speaking, being mindful of your words, and not interrupting can go a long way in showing people you value them.
Respecting the expertise, individuality, and time of those around us will go a long way in building strong relationships. Whether it’s respecting a coworker’s experience in their field or taking the time to listen to a friend’s story, showing respect for each other will help us build stronger connections with one another and recognize our shared humanity.
Next: Respect Yourself and Others to Feel Good | Previous: Mutual Respect: 3 Ways to Build an Emotional Bridge
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