Wondering what happens when good people are on your side?
Good people help us strive to become a better version of ourselves. When things get difficult, we can turn to the good people we know for support, advice, and understanding.
When you are caught up in a negative cycle, it can seem like there are no good people, But those are just run-ins with folks whose attitudes and actions don’t serve us. It’s worth moving past these situations to remember that goodness lives in all of us in different forms. If you’re not finding the goodness in others that you need to thrive and be happy, it may be time to look harder.
Here are a few ideas on what you can accomplish with good people on your side:
Good people show us that there is another, better way.
When you’re finding yourself doing the same old things over and over but not getting anywhere in your life, it can be helpful to find a good person to emulate or take your cue from how they live.
Good people pick us up when we’re down.
A good person doesn’t have to be your friend to come through in your time of need. In fact, when we’re at our weakest point is when, curiously enough, if we open our hearts to their energy, good people show up at just the right time to help us face and work through our greatest challenges.
Good people serve as positive role models.
During times of growth and change, we may feel confused about how to act and behave. What we were doing before is no longer working, so what do we do now? Advice is great but sometimes the best thing for us is to observe, learn and emulate. The good people in your life can guide you by example.
Good people guide kids to learn and develop.
You do not have to be a parent to be a parenting figure and guide the world’s children. You’ll find good people setting aside time in their busy lives to teach, guide, and encourage kids in any way they can. They do this by sharing what they know, teaching techniques, offering positive words, and being patient.
Good people help us grow.
Good people are willing to wait for us while we work out the details of our life and work so we can persevere through personal challenges. Good people offer us patience, sage advice, a perspective, and their faith and trust in our abilities.
Previous: How to Be a Good Person in Everyday Life | First: Am I a Good Person
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