Searching for where to find friends
Looking where to find friends to make new, positive relationships? You may wonder where all the good people have gone. If you spent a lot of time over the last few years doing things like sitting in the house and eating junk food, then for sure you might be looking to do a purge of your personal relationship closet.
This is not to say that your friends who may be dealing with addiction or make unhealthy choices are bad people. But they may be caught up in activities that do not make use of their higher thinking mind. You may find that these types of relationships grow stagnant. You’re putting your energy into conversations and activities that no longer serve you. When this happens, it’s time to “seek up” when it comes to your friends and associates.
So now you may be wondering where to find good people to share your life with. Hobbies, activities, and pastimes are where it’s at. You may remember hearing your mother say things like “why don’t you join a club?” or “why don’t you do a sport,” hoping that you might meet someone, either a romantic partner or just some different friends. When we’re young we kind of get caught up in doing the same things all the time. It doesn’t occur to us that branching out is exactly what we need to do if we really want to find good people who embrace our same priorities and values.
So you’re on the hunt for some quality folks to add to your list of friends? Here are some places that you can visit in the hope of having some social interaction and meeting cool people.
The gym
You’ve got an instant common ground with anyone you happen to chat with at the gym. This of course is that you have a shared goal of wanting to be fit and healthy. Whether it’s friendship or romance that you seek, you can certainly strike up an interesting conversation at the gym. And with memberships being so common, you will likely run into the same people all the time and eventually decide you’d like to hang out together.
The library
These days the library is more interactive than ever. You can join any number of groups to cultivate personal interests and develop skills. Learn crafts, take a writing class, sign up for a book club, get career tips and update your resume. Talk to a variety of people. Head to the library on a weekly or bi-weekly and you’re sure to recognize familiar faces after a while.
An art studio
There is a growing trend of art studios offering Paint and Sip parties and other types of art classes. This could be a really fun and different activity which could lead you to make a few new friends. People who are attracted to artistic pursuits tend to be sensitive and creative. If this is you, then you are likely to make the acquaintance of some good folks who share your personality traits and share a similar outlook.
Your involvement could be anything from coaching your children’s sports team to joining an adult sports league in the area. Think of all of the different activities you might want to do – from baseball to basketball to soccer, to racquetball, volleyball, or even something with a little more novelty like roller skating or roller derby. Being part of a team will definitely help you bring out the best in each other. This could lead to meetups beyond the sport — fun for all, and a great way to get to know good people.
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